Consecrated March 1978

Dane John Lodge History
Around 1975 another Canterbury lodge was attracting so many new members that two senior brothers in that lodge became concerned about the time it was taking junior brethren to progress through its various offices.
It was decided the solution would be to form a new lodge. It would be called Dane John Lodge, taking it's name from the Dane John Gardens in Canterbury.
The Mound situated in the centre of the gardens became the lodge emblem, a true symbol of historic Canterbury.
The new lodge was consecrated in March 1978 at Westgate Hall, Canterbury, by Lord Cornwallis, who then was the Provincial Grand Master for Kent.
What Is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest social and charitable organisations, with its origins rooted in the traditions of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles. 

It is here that a number of the famous elements of Freemasonry find their roots. In the medieval era, stonemasons often travelled around to find work in different locations. To demonstrate their level of qualification, they would use grips, words and signs in order to distinguish themselves from unqualified builders.Freemasonry uses building analogies to teach members how to lead productive lives that benefit the communities that they live in. In the medieval era, stonemasons wore aprons and gloves to protect themselves while working on shaping rough pieces of stone, but in today’s society Freemasons meet to build friendships and communities rather than cathedrals and castles.

When did Freemasonry begin?

The history of Freemasonry traces back to the early 17th century, with the formation of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717 being a significant turning point. However, the origins of Freemasonry ranging from ancient builders to medieval stonemasons.Regardless of its exact beginnings, Freemasonry has played a prominent role in shaping social, political, and cultural landscapes throughout history. From its symbolic ceremonies and moral teachings to its influence on Enlightenment ideals, Freemasonry continues to intrigue and captivate individuals around the world.

Dane John Lodge Members
Why did they join and what did they discover?

I was approached about joining but I had other interests and, I did not have any idea of FM. However, the television series’ Inside the Freemasons’ got me interested, especially as it appealed to my interest in history. My life is very much a female dominated one with a wife, daughter, mother, mother-in -law and a sister. Not a bad thing but I thought some male friends would be good. I enjoy the evenings with a great bunch of male friends, especially the LOI. I also enjoy being an officer which I take very seriously. It has been a pleasant surprise to me, that I seem to be able to learn rituals which I enjoy( perhaps I am a secret actor trying to get out!) I think freemasonry is good for character building and confidence. It is non judgmental and, hopefully,will make people more charitable towards others. We need to get over that it is not dominated by older men and that you need to be rich to get in. I hope this is useful.


I discovered Friendship, Camaraderie and a sense of belonging.


I discovered many interesting people that are now my friends. You never know who you will meet next. The camaraderie is amazing and so is the feeling of belonging to something so worth while. We share a bond that is worldwide.

Why Would I Join?
To learn about a craft that is more than 300 years old.

To make new friends and expand your network. 

To have the chance to raise money for worthy charitable causes. 

To improve yourself spiritually, mentally, and physically, as a parent, friend, member of your community, and ultimately as a servant of God. 

To better yourself and your community, having taken a solemn vow to help and mentor your Masonic Brothers do the same. 

One of the most significant benefits of being a Freemason is the sense of community and brotherhood that comes with membership.


Is Freemasonry a Secret Society? While the organization does have some secret rituals and ceremonies, it is not a secret society.

Is Freemasonry a Religion? Freemasonry is not a religion and does not have its own set of religious beliefs.Members are free to practice their own religion, and religion is not discussed at lodge meetings.

Is Freemasonry Political? Freemasonry is not a political organization and does not endorse any political candidates or parties.

Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind: 

Freemasonry is a fraternity that values brotherhood, charity, and truth. Members are expected to exhibit the utmost tolerance and gentlemanly conduct both in Lodge and in their daily lives. The organization is open to men of good repute who are over 21 years old and able to support themselves and their families. Joining Freemasonry is a commitment to personal growth and service to others.

Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surry & Sussex


The lodge was delighted to present a £1000.00 cheque to the Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surrey & Sussex. It was received by Fran Vale, Kent Community Fundraiser. The £500.00 from Dane John Lodge was matched by The Cornwallis East Kent Freemasons' Charity.

Macmillan Welfare Benefits Service


The Chief Officer of Citizens Advice Canterbury District, Simone Field, was delighted to accept a cheque for £500.00 from the Dane John Lodge No. 8810 on behalf of the Macmillan Welfare Benefits Service (East Kent).

Demelza Hospice Care for Children

A cheque was presented to Demelza Hospice Care for Children and to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

St Nicholas School, Canterbury

Dane John Lodge along with four other local lodges provided 4 specialist trikes and 2 scooters for the St Nicholas School in Canterbury. The pupils have physical disabilities, epilepsy, autism & sensory impairment.

Kent Search & Rescue Dogs

Kent Search & Rescue Dogs were given a donation enabling them to purchase further equipment, to support their work in assisting Police and others searching for missing persons.

Essential Medical Equipment

After instruction and demonstration showing resuscitation techniques, a defibrillator was presented by Dane John Lodge to the Canterbury Masonic Centre.

Combat Stress

A donation was made to combat Stress. This charity delivers dedicated treatment and support to British Armed Forces Veterans who have mental health problems.

Gold Certificate Award

At the last Dane John Lodge regular meeting which took place on Thursday 13th February 2025 we were honoured with the presence of W.Bro D J Green PGStB PPDepGReg as a representive of the The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Neil Hamilton Johnstone.

He was kind enough to present the gold certificate to W.Bro. Patrick Langdown PPDepGSwdB who proudly received it on behalf of the lodge which signifies our continued dedication to raising much-needed funds for worthy charities so they can continue their work.

                                                                                            W.Bro D J Green PGStB PPDepGReg                      W.Bro. Patrick Langdown PPDepGSwdB

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Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association

Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association

Also at our last regular meeting we were honoured by 4 members of of The Widows Son's Masonic Bikers Association. They very kindly gave a lecture about how they combine their love of freemasonry and motorbikes. 

They further explained the many functions and activities they organise and the money they raise for charity. 

If anyone would like further details about how to support them or indeed interested in joining. please click on the link. Home

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Dane John Lodge Ladies' Night

Howfield Manor was once again the venue for this year's ladies' night hosted by our very own Worshipful Master. A fantastic venue just outside of Canterbury that do everything they can to make sure the evening goes well. 

Good food, excellent company and some dancing was had by all to the excellent sound of the band 'Goldtrax' who was there for us last year as well.

Thank you to everyone who supported the ladies' night. We managed to raise £285.00 for charity.

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Contact Us
If you have any questions about joining freemasonry 
or you simply wish to know more about it. 
Please contact us.

Canterbury Masonic Centre

St Peter's Place, Canterbury, Kent. CT1 2DA

East Kent Freemasons

11 Estuary View Business Park Boorman Way Whitstable CT5 3SE

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Kent Library & Museum

34 Saint Peter's Street Canterbury CT1 2DA

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United Grand Lodge of England

Freemasons' Hall 60 Great Queen Street London WC2B 5AZ

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Prince Philip, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

1921 - 2021


King George VI

1895 - 1952


Arthur Conan Doyle

1859 - 1930


Winston Churchill

1874 - 1965


Peter Sellers

1925 - 1980


Rudyard Kipling

1865 - 1936


Benjamin Franklin

1706 - 1790

American President

Phil Collins

1951 -

English musician, singer, songwriter