Gold Certificate Award

At the last Dane John Lodge regular meeting which took place on Thursday 13th February 2025 we were honoured with the presence of W.Bro D J Green PGStB PPDepGReg as a representive of the The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Neil Hamilton Johnstone.

He was kind enough to present the gold certificate to W.Bro. Patrick Langdown PPDepGSwdB who proudly received it on behalf of the lodge which signifies our continued dedication to raising much-needed funds for worthy charities so they can continue their work.

                                                                                            W.Bro D J Green PGStB PPDepGReg                      W.Bro. Patrick Langdown PPDepGSwdB

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Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association

Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association

Also at our last regular meeting we were honoured by 4 members of of The Widows Son's Masonic Bikers Association. They very kindly gave a lecture about how they combine their love of freemasonry and motorbikes. 

They further explained the many functions and activities they organise and the money they raise for charity. 

If anyone would like further details about how to support them or indeed interested in joining. please click on the link. Home

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Dane John Lodge Ladies' Night

Howfield Manor was once again the venue for this year's ladies' night hosted by our very own Worshipful Master. A fantastic venue just outside of Canterbury that do everything they can to make sure the evening goes well. 

Good food, excellent company and some dancing was had by all to the excellent sound of the band 'Goldtrax' who was there for us last year as well.

Thank you to everyone who supported the ladies' night. We managed to raise £285.00 for charity.

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